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: A/B Testing

Level Up Your Career With These Online A/B Testing Training Programs

Continuous learning is critical to ensuring the future of your career. But structured professional development can also be hard to manage: it requires you to invest time, money and precious brainpower. And more often than...

How To Make A Case for Holiday Website Testing

Either you or the digital pioneers that came before you have already done the hard work to get executive buy-in for testing. But convincing them to let you run tests during the holidays is a...

Next-Level Strategies for Optimizing the Travel & Hospitality Customer Experience

Many trips today start with a click. But in an oversaturated market of travel sites and aggregators, how do you make sure consumers come to you for bookings and stick with you for the long...

How To Prepare Your E-Commerce Testing Strategy For Peak Retail Season

The holidays present a prime opportunity for experimentation. But running website tests during periods of peak traffic requires a lot of strategy, planning and preparation. In this white paper, we’ve outlined nine critical steps to...

Here Are 13 A/B Testing Ideas For Amazon On Prime Day

It’s here: Prime Day, Amazon’s annual mega-sale for Amazon Prime members. Amazon Prime Day presents an interesting opportunity for testing and personalization, as it targets a specific segment of Amazon shoppers: Amazon Prime members. Though...

10 Digital Trends in Travel & Hospitality for 2019 and Beyond

When it comes to improving the digital travel booking experience, it’s easy to get caught up in the details. But sometimes, it’s also important to step back and consider the broader trends and changes in...

Ask An Expert: Illuminate, Behavioral Economics and Coming up With A/B Test Ideas

Welcome to our second installment of Ask A Brooks Bell Expert, a series where we talk to one of our internal experts, and ask them fun questions. And relevant questions, too. Check out our lastQ&A...

How to Use Behavioral Economics to Optimize Your E-commerce Website

See Examples of Behavioral Economics You Can Use to Optimize Your Checkout Funnel For e-commerce companies, optimizing the online shopping experience is one of the easiest ways to maximize your online revenue. But when your...

6 Ideas For Optimizing Your Booking Funnel

Travel and hospitality businesses can’t afford to lose any site traffic to a clunky booking funnel. Conversion rates in the travel industry range from less than 1 percent for travel package sales to just over...

The Pro’s Guide To Managing Multiple Personalization Campaigns

Segmentation-based personalization opens new doors for optimizing your website. But when you start running a bunch of personalization tests and campaigns and targeting multiple segments, it's important to stay organized. Read on for our tips...

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